Stay Safe and Healthy! Let’s Help to Create a Future we can Love!

juneteenth celebration

We at Lynx acknowledge the pain and heartbreak, the frustration and exhaustion overwhelming some of our staff members, customers, partners and friends.  And more broadly, communities of color across America.

The inequities exposed by the coronavirus and the recent, tragic deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many preens, are symptomatic of underlying racism and injustice that run counter to every value we stand for at Lynx!

We reaffirm our commitment to equity and equal opportunity for all people, regardless of ethnicity, gender or socio-economics status.  What is bubbling to the surface from recent events is proof that we must take collective action NOW.  Change will only happen when we come together with compassion, conviction and a common goal to dismantle systematic racism.

Here at Lynx, we encourage everyone to do something constructive.  Sign a petition, donate to a cause, change a policy- we want to create the future we want for ourselves, our children and all those we love!

We are inspired by all the people and groups using their voices to acknowledge and be authentic.  We hope you will too.  Below are some links to where you could get involved if you are looking to take action:

Stay Safe and Healthy.  Equality Matters!!!

We at Lynx are happy to announce that we will be in observance of the Juneteenth Holiday on Friday, June 19, 2020.